Monday, May 16, 2016

Mother Healing
 "As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately."

At night before I go to bed, I like to pick a card from my Magical Mermaids and Dolphins cards from Doreen Virtue. These cards help to show us what blockages we have in our subconscious mind that might interfere with our goals and manifestations. The card I pulled last night was "Mother Healing." I have had this type of card come up several times with other decks in the past, but didn't understand what the message was since I already am quite healed regarding my mother issues. Before I drew the card I was feeling some anxiety so I was really curious of what card I would pick to see if I would get some insight. So...I was a little disappointed when I drew the Mother Healing card. 

As I opened myself up to guidance I was told that there was more healing to be done with my mother and it directly relates to my anxiety I suffer with. As I listened to the counsel from my Angeles, I learned that when I was young I felt disappointment from my mother and other negative energies that are still in my system. These old negative energies are influencing my feelings of fear and anxiety that I have sometimes. So I prayed and opened myself up to the Angels to heal me. I had an immediate response of healing. I also did this first thing when I woke up before and after I said my morning affirmations. 

I share this publicly not because I wanted to, but because I was guided to. Anxiety and fear is a real problem for so many people. Anxiety and fear is like a energetic blockage of like a "field of onions" for most people. It also seeps into your energy system like a virus, and it starts to take on a life of its own. Sometimes its right in your face and other times it's hidden and you don't realize it's there until "Pow" it socks you in the stomach. 

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