Monday, May 23, 2016

Creative Expression

Creative Expression is important to overall wellness/wellbeing and important to others too! I get to have a career to express myself creatively. Today I will teach a senior fitness class, a group cycling class, and a gentle yoga class. I have been teaching fitness for over 30 years. With all of my training, education, and experience, I put it all together creatively while I teach. I also get to put together music that helps me with my creativeness. When I teach I usually let myself be guided by drawing on my extensive fitness/yoga background, combined with the music, and most of all the energy of the students. I like to add some playfulness to our experience and try not to be too serious, although, I am very serious over everyone’s safety and wellbeing. Other ways I express my creativity is cooking (rarely do I use a recipe), dressing/shopping, planting flowers and vegetables, taking art classes, planning classes and workshops, learning new things, reading, watching a movie or show, going to a performance, drawing with my grandkids, playing with my grandkids, family and friends, walking the dogs, exercising, writing, singing, dancing, speaking and making love. I bet so many people express themselves creatively without even realize it. Our bodies are an amazing outlet for creative expression. I always encourage students and clients to connect with their bodies and to breath. To those of you, who read this post, let go of self-judgments, have fun, be like a child and play. Don’t worry about drawing inside the lines, be more colorful, and let go a little of your perfections. If you are at work and sitting in front of the computer, take a moment to stretch, smile, and breathe deeply.

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