Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hairy Cell Leukemia and Kale Juice

This is a report of how an Organic Green Kale, apple, carrot, and lemon juice stabilized leukemia blood so no more chemo was needed. HAIRY CELL AND KALE Having retired in 1994, settled on Whidbey Island, and built a one acre commercial vegetable garden, and taken on an expert gardener as a business partner, life was going pretty well. Then one day around year 2000 I noticed something expanding in my abdomen kind of growing from left to right across my mid section. It didn't hurt so I ignored it at first. But I eventually (a year) decided to get a physical which included a blood test. A few days later my doctor call and said I have a low grade blood problem and I need to see an oncologist, (cancer doctor). To make a long story short, I had a bone marrow problem. My bone marrow was producing some defective white blood cells. The defect was that some white cells were being put into my blood with hair growing on them. My oncologist called it "Hairy Cell Leukemia" My spleen was filtering my blood and was putting the hairy cells "in jail" thus making the spleen grow with all those new residents with the hairy faces being captured. This started me on a chemo therapy regiment a couple of times a month at the hospital that took 2 hours per visit. They made me comfortable in a nice easy chair with warm blankets and a thing in my arm that supplied water and chemo. Usually one or 2 other patients were in the cubical with me. After about a year the frequency dropped to 4 times a year. This regiment continued like clockwork until, one day, my partner Sally and her daughter became vegans and acquired a juicer for themselves and started drinking a mix of apple, carrot, kale and lemon juice. One day my partner Sally handed me a glass filled with an ugly looking green drink and said, "drink this." This started me on a daily drink of the green stuff. One and a half months went by and it was time for my chemo treatment at the hospital. I did my blood draw 2 days earlier so my oncologist, a pleasant Chinese man, had already looked at it. When I got there my oncologist said, "What you been doing? Your blood is OK. No chemo required today!" I told him the only change was the green drink. He said keep it up! One of the benefits of good blood is that the spleen wont have to capture any bad guys and will stay small like it should! What I wrote you IS IT!!  The only thing different was the green drink.  My diet was always the same, as it is now.  I may have reduced my fat intake a little, I don’t know.  I’ve been drinking the green drink for about 5 years, and over those 5 years my blood has gradually improved.  No doctor has ever cleared me of Hairy Cell Leukemia!!  That’s why I have to keep going to the hospital every 3 months for a blood test; to make sure it has not flared up, and that my spleen has stayed small.  Hairy Cell Leukemia will never be wiped out!!  Just kept under control. Frank Parente


  1. Frank, your story may have prevented my second round of chemo. The drink you described works! thank you.
    Frank B, Los Angeles

  2. My husband is going thru harry cell treatments currently, 2 hours a day for five days. Its horrible,he can hardly move. Hard for all of us.
    This is is third time since 2005.
    We are going to try your juicing recipe

  3. My husband is very sick he have hairy cell leukemia too
    coughing chills fever on and off
    Very worried about his health i will tet this green juice hope it will help.
