Monday, June 27, 2016

Introduction to the Chakra Healing with Angels on July 16th 10-1

Yoga Postures, breathing, visualization, and meditation are done with the intention to be open to healing. Meaning you are consciously open and willing to let go of whatever blockage present, even if it feels like it’s impossible. When resistance rears its ugly head that is particularity when we ask the Angels help is clearing our energy systems of blockages that stand in our way or slow us down in our goals. Sometimes the blockages seem totally unrelated to our goals but are keeping them from manifesting nevertheless. When our system is cleared then we can magnify and easily manifest our specific goal towards life, health, wellbeing, etc. The Chakra and kundalini System comes to us 1000’s of years ago from the school of Tantra. Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine work with this energy system to restore health and wellbeing. Chakra is a Sanskrit word related to wheel or disc because people who can see energy see these chakras spin like a wheel. I consider the Chakra system to be our different layers to our Mind. There are many more Chakras than what is mentioned here, but these are the ones that are like major power plants that run along the nerve ganglia of our body. Each system has a god/goddess or yin/yang polarity. When I work with the Chakra system I feel like an Orchestra Conductor. Each Chakra harmonizes with the others. If one system is blocked or out of tune, it affects the entire system. Like a good conductor, you might need to spend more time on one section or system to get it playing correctly before moving on to the rest of the sections. Our thoughts, attitudes and experiences are recorded in our chakra systems. Thoughts are like magnets. When we discover there are thoughts in our mental system magnetizing what we don’t want in our lives, we need to work on consciously removing them, and putting in new thoughts that enable us manifest our goals. The ancient school of Tantra accomplished this by creating Mantra. The yoga and Buddhist schools use still use these mantras today. While learning Tantra mantra I was taught that the ancient Indian government forbade the Tantra missionaries to travel and teach their mantra system to foreigners because they were so powerful the foreigners were using these mantras against India. We will not learn Sanskrit or lengthy mantras, but we will learn the seed sounds of each chakra to energize each system through sound. We will also learn simple Energy Psychology techniques to remove a disturbing thought and instill a thought beneficial towards your goals. I have listed both a Yoga section and a Fitness section for each Chakra. The Yoga section is any exercises that work on more of an energy level. These can also include qigong, and energy medicine techniques. You can think of this as more of the “Yin” way of working with the body’s energy system. The Fitness section is working with more of the physical body in a more “Yang” way. I am very excited to present the fitness section. People need to know there are many ways towards health and wellness when it comes to the Chakra system and what we do to exercise is very important.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Angels of the Chakra's and their messages

Ariel The Healing Archangel of the Soul Star (8th Chakra) and also the grounding (1st chakra) Healing Gift: Our Soul’s Mission Angel messages channeled by Steven Thayer; Please remember, your primary mission as a human being is to bring light of heaven into your life and into your world. Angels are that light. Your heart is the lamp upon which the light can burn. Your life is the lens through which that light will shine. Raphael The Healing Archangel of the 7th Chakra Healing Gift: Divine Illumination You may call upon our presence to help you heal your ills. Each Time you do, we will help you heal simply by helping you discover the truth of who you are. We will help you elevate your vision from seeing life as being so serious, to seeing it as we see it; mystically glorious filled with light and laughter where all your dreams can come true. Gabriel The Healing Archangel of the 6th Chakra Healing gift: Divine Direction When you invite us into your journey, invite us to illuminate your darkness, invite us to provide you with clarity to see what is present in each and all of your life’s situations so that you will know what is the true and right way to proceed. Celestina The Healing Angel of the 5th Chakra Healing Gift: Creative Expression It is a common problem for human beings to think that they are unimportant. “who am I-one of billions-what do I matter?” Please know, you would not have been placed in this world if you were not important. For in the divine plan, nothing is extra. In the divine plan, everything has purpose and importance. …Allow your creativity to flow, reach for the stars and you will find that you are the stars. Faith The Healing Angel of the shoulders. Healing Gift: Faith and the Freedom it brings Freedom is the ability to live without your self-constraints or the constraints of others. It is your innate state of being. When divine faith creates freedom within you, you express yourself out of love, not limited by how others perceive your expression. You are free to express yourself, to follow your heart, to share your joy. You are free to bring your gift, your gift of son, your gift of writing, your gift of healing, your gift of teaching, your gift of art, your gift of wisdom, and your gift of children into this world. Cassiel The Healing Angel of the 4th Chakra, the Heart Healing gift: Unconditional Love. Our purpose, when invited, is to remind you of how unnatural feeling alone, unloved, sad or forlorn is for you. It is our joy, when invited, to extend a vibration that will remind you of the truth. Remind you of your identity and the reality of the world around you. As soon as your heart remembers this reality, it is as though a weight is lifted from you. And as that weight is lifted, tears of great depth are shed, and heartache, sadness, loneliness, are healed. We are often called upon when you have lost a loved one through the process of physical death. From our perception, this is the epitome of misperception. For as viewed from this realm, how could you lose someone when they die? Where would they go? All you have lost is the illusion of who they were. The form that they took. But you could not lose that soul. Daniel The healing Angel of the Liver Gall Bladder and Spleen Healing Gift: Forgiveness Life is too precious, too short, too important for you to be wasting your time judging others, and through your anger, hatred, and resentment, attempting to punish others. Feel free to call up our presence in your own journey to free you from the destructive actions of judgment, anger, and resentment. Sarah The Healing Angel of the 3rd Chakra Healing gift: Empowerment …The very moment, the split second, that you release your fear, we will whisk you forward through a myriad of connections, opportunities and synchronistic experiences that will accelerate your life’s journey. Michael The Healing Archangel of the 2nd Chakra Healing gift: Protection By calling upon our name “Michael” you invite a vibration that you can perceive as the light that can end your fears. It will feel to you like we give you protection and safety. Please know that you are already protected and safe. Our energy simply helps you become aware of it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hairy Cell Leukemia and Kale Juice

This is a report of how an Organic Green Kale, apple, carrot, and lemon juice stabilized leukemia blood so no more chemo was needed. HAIRY CELL AND KALE Having retired in 1994, settled on Whidbey Island, and built a one acre commercial vegetable garden, and taken on an expert gardener as a business partner, life was going pretty well. Then one day around year 2000 I noticed something expanding in my abdomen kind of growing from left to right across my mid section. It didn't hurt so I ignored it at first. But I eventually (a year) decided to get a physical which included a blood test. A few days later my doctor call and said I have a low grade blood problem and I need to see an oncologist, (cancer doctor). To make a long story short, I had a bone marrow problem. My bone marrow was producing some defective white blood cells. The defect was that some white cells were being put into my blood with hair growing on them. My oncologist called it "Hairy Cell Leukemia" My spleen was filtering my blood and was putting the hairy cells "in jail" thus making the spleen grow with all those new residents with the hairy faces being captured. This started me on a chemo therapy regiment a couple of times a month at the hospital that took 2 hours per visit. They made me comfortable in a nice easy chair with warm blankets and a thing in my arm that supplied water and chemo. Usually one or 2 other patients were in the cubical with me. After about a year the frequency dropped to 4 times a year. This regiment continued like clockwork until, one day, my partner Sally and her daughter became vegans and acquired a juicer for themselves and started drinking a mix of apple, carrot, kale and lemon juice. One day my partner Sally handed me a glass filled with an ugly looking green drink and said, "drink this." This started me on a daily drink of the green stuff. One and a half months went by and it was time for my chemo treatment at the hospital. I did my blood draw 2 days earlier so my oncologist, a pleasant Chinese man, had already looked at it. When I got there my oncologist said, "What you been doing? Your blood is OK. No chemo required today!" I told him the only change was the green drink. He said keep it up! One of the benefits of good blood is that the spleen wont have to capture any bad guys and will stay small like it should! What I wrote you IS IT!!  The only thing different was the green drink.  My diet was always the same, as it is now.  I may have reduced my fat intake a little, I don’t know.  I’ve been drinking the green drink for about 5 years, and over those 5 years my blood has gradually improved.  No doctor has ever cleared me of Hairy Cell Leukemia!!  That’s why I have to keep going to the hospital every 3 months for a blood test; to make sure it has not flared up, and that my spleen has stayed small.  Hairy Cell Leukemia will never be wiped out!!  Just kept under control. Frank Parente